As an Open Source software, the Geneva library is available for download first and foremost in source form. The latest release (signature) is a release made for GSI Darmstadt to support their research, which is based on this version.
As you need to compile and link your own code with it, binary packages don't really bring huge advantages, but can spare you some work. Currently we provide binary packages for the most widespread Linux distributions.
To get and install the binary package please visit the Geneva page in the OpenSUSE Build Service, and follow the corresponding installation instructions for your distribution.
Please also visit the Developers page for further information.
The Geneva user manual can be downloaded here.
A reference manual was created using Doxygen from the Geneva source code. It is available here. Attention: We suggest that you DO NOT PRINT the Reference Manual, as it has over 5000 pages. Instead, Doxygen has equipped the rereference documentation with "clickable" cross-references for every important aspect of the Geneva library collection, so you may read relevant sections online. NOTE that the reference manual was created for the current "bzr-head version", which is close to the upcoming 1.4 release of Geneva. It will be mostly (but not entirely) applicable to Geneva 1.2 as well.
There is also the option to run the "make doc" command inside your Geneva build-tree to re-create up-to-date reference documentation for Geneva. This will also provide you with a HTML version of the documentation.
Please also see the Help section of this web page for further information on Geneva and our products.